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What is an Apostille and how to Apostille in New York?

What is an Apostille and how to apostille in Newyork Birth Certificates and Powers, Contracts, Diplomas, Academic Certificates and More


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When it comes to legalizing documents for use abroad, the apostille is presented as the most effective solution under the Hague Convention. This method greatly simplifies the authentication of public documents issued in one country to be accepted in another. In this article, we'll explore in detail what an apostille is, how the process works in New York, and why it's crucial for your international procedures.

What is an Apostille?

The Apostille is an official seal that certifies the authenticity of public documents and is recognized by all member countries of the Hague Convention. This seal is applied directly to the document or as an addition to it, and is the most direct way to validate international documents without the need to resort to embassies or consulates.

Importance of the Apostille

The main advantage of the apostille is that it guarantees that your documents are legally recognized in more than 100 member countries of the agreement, including several in Latin America such as Argentina, Mexico, Colombia, and of course, the United States. This is essential for any procedure that requires the verification of documents abroad, such as studies, marriages, business negotiations, among others.

Commonly Apostilled Documents

  • Diplomas and academic certificates
  • Birth and marriage certificates
  • Powers of attorney and affidavits
  • Wills and Contracts
  • Corporate documents and invoices

Apostille Process in New York

Apostilling a document in New York is a straightforward process, but it's vital to ensure that all steps are followed correctly to avoid setbacks.

  1. Verification of the Document: You must have the original document that you want to apostille. No copies or digital versions are required.
  2. Where to Apostille: Go to the Mundo Latino notary offices in New York or contact us using the call button that you can see on the lower right of this blog.
  3. Processing Time: The process generally takes 24 hours within the United States.

How to Apostille Effectively

To ensure a smooth process, it is advisable to work with a specialized advisor to guide the process. This is especially useful if you need to apostille multiple documents or if you require the apostille urgently.

The apostille is an essential requirement to validate the legality of your documents abroad and it is crucial that you understand how this process is carried out in your area. In New York, the facilities for carrying out this process ensure that your documents are ready and authenticated in record time.

Call us now:

If you need to apostille documents in New York and are looking for quick and secure management, do not hesitate to contact us. Our experts are here to assist you and ensure that your documents are recognized internationally with the least possible complication.

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