How to get married in New York?

Getting married in New York: Marriage process with a notary public. Documentation needed for a legal and unique wedding in the Big Apple.


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How to get married in New York?

If you're planning to take the big step with your partner, New York offers an exceptional setting. Notaries can now certify marriages in New York, in addition to processing the previous file through a notarial act.

To complete this process, you'll need to submit the following documentation to a notary public:

· Identity document, such as passport or identification
· Birth certificate issued within the last twelve months by the Civil Registry of the place of birth.
· Registration certificates for the last two years at the place of residence, or consular certificate in case of residence abroad.
· If either spouse was previously married, you must submit the annulled marriage certificate or death certificate of the previous spouse.
· Foreigners must provide a certificate of marriage capacity or a certificate of singleness to enter into marriage in New York.

During the marriage process, the notary public will interview prospective spouses individually to ensure that they meet the necessary requirements and that their consent is valid. Once eligibility has been confirmed, the notary public will prepare the certificate and provide a copy to the spouses, who can celebrate their marriage before the same notary.

If you need assistance, you can schedule an appointment with us Contact us.

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